Is your organization interested in expanding to Asia? Are you active in Hong Kong or China and on the hunt for additional business opportunities? Looking to stay ahead of the curve with your China strategy?
The National Conference will uncover recent trends in Hong Kong, China and Asia, celebrate successful business initiatives between Canada and Hong Kong as well as share insights on Hong Kong's startup friendly environment - learn about the opportunities for Canada.
We will also be highlighting Canada's entrepreneurial spirit with our flagship National Investment Pitch Competition. Six post-secondary student teams will pitch their business ideas, leveraging the "Canada - Hong Kong Advantage", live to conference attendees and a panel of seasoned professionals for their shot at $50,000 in cash and prizes.
HKCBA is pleased to offer out of town participants preferential pricing with the Hyatt Regency Calgary, our hotel sponsor and Westjet, our airline sponsor, for the National Conference. Booking details can be found here.
Thursday, June 2, 2016
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm: Pre Conference Meet and Greet
Join us at Craft Beer Market to connect with speakers, our Hong Kong partners and conference attendees.
Location: Craft Beer Market, 345 10th Avenue Southwest, Calgary, AB T2R 0A5
Friday, June 3, 2016
Location: Hyatt Regency Calgary, 700 Centre Street SE, Calgary, AB T2G 5P6
7:30 am: Registration (Imperial Room 5/7/9)
8:30 am: Welcome Address
8:45 am - 9:45 am: Panel #1 Recent trends in Hong Kong, China and Asia
Spanning from fashion to infrastructure and consumer products, Asia, specifically Hong Kong, offers a wealth of growth opportunities across a variety of sectors. Learn from experts, uncovering new trends in technology, retail as well as the Belt and Road Initiative, on how your company can get in on the ground floor.
Moderator: Frank Turner, Partner, Corporate at Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
- Vonita Samtani, Vice President of Strategic Channel Partners at WGSN
- Ralph Chow, Regional Director, Americas at the Hong Kong Trade Development Council
- Angela Lum, Manager, Investment Attraction at Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, Government of Alberta
9:45 am: Networking Break
10:00 am - 11:00am: Panel #2 Successfully Super Connecting via Hong Kong
Hong Kong is Canada’s sixth largest export market, totalling $3.9B in 2015. Learn how successful Canadian businesses are leveraging the Hong Kong-Canada advantage in their expansion strategy to Asia.
Moderator: Barry Macdonald, Partner at PwC LLP and Director-at-Large at HKCBA
- Rachel Acheson, Vice President of Brand and Community at Lululemon
- Jack Elliott, President and CEO at Pure Technologies Ltd.
11:00 am: Networking Break
11:15 am - 12:15 pm: Panel #3 Technology and Innovation - Perspectives on launching in Asia
Learn about and hear perspectives from our panelists on the various ways technology and innovation are being leveraged to target the Asian marketplace.
Moderator: Gillian McCormack, VP Trade & Investment Attraction at Calgary Economic Development
- Jose Rueda, Professor at Sheridan College
- Jonathan Neufeld, Interim CEO at TECTERRA
- David McGregor, Trade Commissioner and Domestic Outreach Manager at Global Affairs Canada
12:15 pm: General Announcements
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm: Luncheon and Panel #4 Canada - Asia's Gateway to North America
Chinese investors are actively looking for investment opportunities, with the support of the PRC in promoting outward-bound FDI to “go global”. Join the panel in this interactive discussion on Canada’s many competitive advantages and strategic position as a gateway for companies expanding into North America.
Moderator: Gary Mar, Alberta’s Immediate Past Trade Representative to Asia in Hong Kong
- Colin Hansen, President and CEO at AdvantageBC
- Laura Dawson, Director of Canada Institute at the Wilson Centre
- Doug Horner, Chairman and Partner at Canada Asia Synergy Group
2:00 pm - 4:30 pm: National Investment Pitch Competition
Highlighting Canada's entrepreneurial spirit, our flagship National Investment Pitch Competition features six post-secondary student teams who will pitch their business ideas, leveraging the "Canada - Hong Kong Advantage", live to conference attendees and a panel of seasoned professionals for their shot at $50,000 in cash and prizes. Click here to meet our qualifying teams!
5:00 pm: Cocktail Reception (Stephen Room)
6:30 pm - 10:00pm: Awards dinner and keynote address by Gregory So, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development in Hong Kong (Imperial Room 1/2/3)
Saturday, June 4, 2016
9:00 am - 1:30 pm: National Board Meeting and AGM (Members Only)
Members are invited to join in on discussions about HKCBA's strategic priorities and initiatives as well as participate in this years AGM. This session will give you an opportunity to connect with the association's national and regional directors.
Location: Hyatt Regency Calgary - Doll / Herald Room, 700 Centre Street SE, Calgary, AB T2G 5P6
Votre entreprise envisage-t-elle d'étendre ses activités en Asie? Elle est active à Hong Kong ou en Chine et est à la recherche de nouvelles opportunités d’affaires? Vous souhaitez que votre stratégie pour la Chine demeure à l’avant-garde?
La conférence nationale de l’ACHKC vous permettra de découvrir les plus récentes tendances à Hong Kong, en Chine et en Asie, célèbrera les initiatives commerciales fructueuses entre le Canada et Hong Kong, et permettra l’échange de points de vue concernant l’environnement favorable aux jeunes entreprises – apprenez-en davantage sur les opportunités pour le Canada.
Nous mettrons également en lumière l’esprit entrepreneurial du Canada grâce à notre compétition nationale de présentations portant sur l’investissement. Six équipes d’étudiants de niveau postsecondaire présenteront leurs idées d’affaires, mettant de l’avant « l’avantage Canada – Hong Kong », en direct devant les participants de la conférence et un panel de professionnels expérimentés, pour courir la chance de gagner 50 000 $ en argent et en prix.
Lieu : Hyatt Regency, 700 Centre Street S, Calgary, Alberta
Date : 2 au 4 juin 2016
Coût : 100 $ pour les membres | 150 $ pour les non-membres
Aperçu général du programme
2 juin 2016 (19 h à 21 h) : Accueil et rencontre pré-conférence
3 juin 2016 (8 h 30 – 22 h) : Conférence nationale l’ACHKC
- Panel #1 – Récentes tendances à Hong Kong, en Chine et en Asie, et les opportunités pour le Canada
- Panel #2 – Histoires de grands succès de super connexion via Hong Kong
- Panel #3 – L’emphase mise par Hong Kong sur l’innovation, les jeunes entreprises et les incubateurs pour leur permettre de démarrer en Chine et en Asie
- Diner-conférence avec conférencier invité
- Compétition nationale de présentations portant sur l’investissement
- Cocktail
- Souper remise de prix et discours de Gregory So, secrétaire du commerce et du développement économique à Hong Kong
4 juin 2016 (10 h à 14 h) : Réunion du Conseil national et assemblée générale annuelle
Pour de plus amples renseignements et pour obtenir toutes les mises à jour, veuillez visiter notre site Web ou nous écrire à l’adresse suivante :
En collaboration avec le Hyatt Regency Calgary et Westjet, nous sommes heureux d’offrir un rabais exclusif aux participants venant de l’extérieur sur les vols en direction de Calgary et sur le séjour à l’hôtel. Pour tous les détails, veuillez cliquer ici.
Time |
Session |
Location |
Thursday, June 2, 2016 |
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm |
Pre-conference “meet and greet” |
Craft Beer Market 345 10th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2R 0A5 |
Friday, June 3, 2016 |
7:30 am |
Registration |
Hyatt Regency Calgary 700 Centre Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 5P6 |
8:30 am |
Welcome address |
Imperial Room 5/7/9
8:45 am – 9:45 am |
Panel #1 – Recent trends in HK, China, Asia |
9:45 am |
Networking break |
10:00 am – 11:00 am |
Panel #2 – Successfully Super Connecting via Hong Kong |
11:00 am |
Networking break |
11:15 am – 12:15 pm |
Panel #3 – Technology and Innovation: Perspectives on launching in Asia |
12:15 pm |
General announcements |
12:30 pm – 1:45 pm |
Luncheon and Panel #4 – Canada: Asia’s Gateway to North America |
2:00 pm – 4:30 pm |
National Investment Pitch Competition |
5:00 pm |
Cocktail reception |
Grand Foyer 2 |
6:00 pm – 10:00 pm |
Awards dinner and keynote address by Gregory So, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development in Hong Kong |
Imperial 1/2/3 |
Saturday, June 4, 2016 |
9:30 am – 2:00 pm |
National Board Meeting and AGM |
Doll / Herald |
- Hyatt Regency Calgary | 700 Centre Street SE Calgary Alberta T2G 5P6